With the support of the NGO Experts Solidaires, the Beninese association Esho Ko Iya has implemented a solar lighting project in the town of Glazoué. This initiative goes beyond the school: in addition to the collective charging station and the 40 LK1500 lamps made available to the students, 75 LK1500M lamps were financed for the benefit of widows in precarious situations, pre-identified by the local actors. All of the equipment was distributed free of charge. At rhe school, the lamps are given in priority to students in exam classes, then to those in lower classes who have the best academic results. In order for this operation to continue and be renewed, reflections are underway to identify a viable economic model, with certainly a local repair point to take care of possible breakdowns.
This project was one of the first solidarity projects of Lagazel’s subsidiary in Benin, created in 2021. With its production workshop for solar products (solar lamps, solar home kits, collective recharging solutions, etc.), Lagazel Benin employs about ten people and contributes to improving the rate of access to sustainable energy in the country.