In Basse-Casamance, an elementary school has been equipped with a Lagazel collective charging station, as well as 50 LK3000 solar lamps, by an association that works in the village of youtou for many years: the association Passerelle pour Youtou. As in many projects, the lamps were reserved in priority for the pupils of CM2, who are in exam class. Here, some of the lamps were also given to middle school students who did not have access to electricity at home. Thanks to this scheme, 100% of the beneficiary students passed their exams, which made the community very proud! In order to perpetuate the project, the community would now like to set up a contribution system, around 1,000 CFA francs per student per year, in order to anticipate the maintenance of the equipment over time.
In Senegal, Lagazel now has its own production lines, thanks to a partnership with the PROMESS training center in Thies. Thus, on this type of projects, it is robust, certified and Made in Senegal solar material which is proposed!