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Lagazel’s after-sales service network expands to Saint-Louis, Senegal

Since 2019, the NGO The Partnership has been helping to spread collective charging stations and Kalo solar lamps in the St. Louis region. By mid-2023, the region will have more than 50 charging stations and 3200 lamps in use. To ensure the sustainability of the lighting service and the longevity of the projects, the Partnership has worked with Lagazel to set up a local after-sales service point in […]

2022-11-28T20:55:55+01:0028 November - 2022|Lagazel, Partner|

Lagazel’s charging station : a light library to improve learning conditions

Lagazel station : a collective way of improving living conditions 

Perfectly adapted to development projects, Lagazel collective charging station enables the simultaneous charge of 40 solar lamps. Installed in a school for example, it allows pupils to study in the evening at home thanks to a reliable light source.

This system is also a positive way of encouraging education: children must go back to school every day to continue to use their […]

2022-10-26T17:44:39+02:0026 October - 2022|Lagazel, Partner|

Lagazel Sobox solar-home-systems are now available with PAYGO feature and are compatible with PaygOps from Solaris Offgrid

LAGAZEL Sobox solar-home-systems, manufactured in Burkina Faso by the French-African company LAGAZEL, now incorporates the PAYGO functionality in combination with the PaygOps software from Solaris Offgrid. A good opportunity for solar energy distributors in the Sahelian region, who will by now be able to offer financial services to low-revenues rural populations.

PAYGO (for Pay-as-you-go) photovoltaic systems incorporate a digital technology that allows end-users to pay their solar systems as […]

2022-10-26T16:09:06+02:0026 October - 2022|Lagazel, Partner|

Strenghten and develop local added-value of Lagazel production facilities

Many sub-Saharean Africa countries, the off-grid energy sector is dominated by products imported from Asia and commercialized by European or US companies, which hardly creates local added value. The UK Department for International Development (UKaid)  funds the Transforming Energy Access program, whose component POP VA&EC (Powering Opportunities Partnership – Local value Addition and Employement Creation) aims at increasing access to energy services through a dynamised sector orientated toward positive impacts […]

2022-10-26T10:59:52+02:0026 October - 2022|Lagazel, Partner|

Developing second hand battery packs in the off-grid energy sector

There is currently no infrastructure to support li-ion battery recycling in sub-Saharan Africa.  Logistical complexity and associated costs make it difficult for solar distributors and recyclers to send batteries abroad. As a result, companies store stockpiles of Li-ion batteries at their end-of-life. On top of that, battery operation is dependent on the weakest cell in the pack, if one cell fails, the whole battery pack fails and is considered non-functional. […]

2022-10-26T10:59:02+02:0026 October - 2022|Lagazel, Partner|

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